Does Coffee Stain Veneers?
Discover whether coffee stains veneers and how food can affect them, and learn some habits to avoid after having veneers applied.
Food You Need To Avoid and Eat to Prevent Tooth Damage
Understand the foods that damage your teeth and what to eat for better oral health. Get expert care at GrandDent Dental Clinic in Chiang Mai.
Explore Safe and Easy to Care for Dental Implants
Dental implants are the most requested tooth replacement in Chiang Mai. We’ll tell you where to go for dental implants in Chiang Mai.
How to Get Rid of or Relieve Toothache Effectively
Discover effective toothache remedies and when to seek emergency care from the experts at GrandDent Dental Clinic in Chiang Mai.
Types of Missing Teeth Replacements
In recent years, dental implants have surged in popularity and have become the preferred choice for many individuals looking for a permanent solution to tooth loss.
The Ultimate Oral Health Checklist
Maintaining an excellent oral health checklist daily is a small act that will reap long-term benefits for your smile and your wallet.
Learn How All-on-4 and All-on-6 Dental Implants Work
Dental implants have improved the lives of millions of people worldwide. They provide a permanent solution to missing teeth that is far superior to dentures.
Learn How and Why Dental Veneers Are Applied
Dental veneers are becoming a popular remedy for chipped and stained teeth. We’ll explain what veneers are, how teeth are prepped for having dental veneers applied and whether they’re the right treatment for you.